Are you longing to BREAK FREE FROM...

🥵The stress of overworking without appreciation 🥵

😤 The burden of people pleasing 😤

😣 The suppressive effects of negative self-talk 😣

Would it be amazing if you could ALSO...

Increase self-compassion and love for every part of you

Feeling safe and at ease within your own body

Get fully in touch with your heart’s true desires

And what if you can have all of this WITHOUT...

Years of talk therapy

Waiting until depression or disease sets in

Relationship crisis occurring

Well, here's GREAT NEWS...

All this can happen in our heart-enriching

2 Night & 3 Day Letting Go Retreat

right here at The Lodge at Lakeshore.

During this experience, you can design the life you want to live AND love💗

The Power of the 2 Nights and 3 Days of Letting Go

Disconnect From Distractions

Disconnecting allows us to better connect with ourselves and those around us, fostering stronger relationships and improving our overall sense of presence and mindfulness. It reduces stress, anxiety, and the feeling of being overwhelmed, promoting a sense of calm and balance.

Practice Mindfulness & Self-Awareness

Practicing mindfulness and self-awareness is a transformative journey that leads to a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. Mindfulness involves being fully present in the moment, observing our thoughts and emotions without judgment. This practice not only reduces stress and anxiety but also allows us to appreciate the beauty and richness of everyday life.

Explore Your Core Values & Authentic Desires

Exploring your core values and authentic desires is an essential journey towards self-discovery and a more fulfilling life. Your core values are the guiding principles that shape your beliefs and decisions, providing a moral compass for your actions. By identifying and living in alignment with these values, you can lead a life that is more meaningful and in tune with your true self.

Hey there, Powerful Woman!

Life can get crazy, we totally get it!

Juggling a million tasks, being a rockstar at work, nurturing relationships, and taking care of yourself, and maybe even children – it's like you're running your own marathon every single day without a chance to PAUSE, BREATHE, REFLECT, and REJUVINATE.

💃 But guess what? You deserve some YOU time.

🌸 It's time to press pause on the chaos and immerse yourself in pure relaxation. Welcome to the Letting Go Retreat – a tranquil haven designed just for you.

Our magical Letting Go Retreat oasis is designed to be your sanctuary, your escape hatch from the hustle and bustle.

During this experience you'll dive into our curated collection of stress-melting activities:

Picture this...

🧘‍♀️Guided Mindfulness Sessions: Let your thoughts drift away as our experts guide you through rejuvenating mindfulness exercises. Find solace in the present moment.

🌅 Serene Nature Escape: Immerse yourself in the breathtaking beauty of nature right within our very own backyard of The Lodge At Lakeshore with a sparkling blue pool and invigorating fresh air. Breathe in the tranquility, exhale the tension.

📚 Discovery Journaling: Lose yourself in the pages of your self-honoring and self-discovery journaling. Let the words wrap you in a comforting embrace, help you release old patterns, and discover new possibilities for being and acting towards a rewarding new future.

😮‍💨Breakthrough Breathwork: Learn how to breakthrough emotional blocks and other inner obstructions through the power of your own breath and realize a profound inner peace and tranquility.

Are you ready to embark on this blissful journey to reclaim your peace of mind? Your well-being is our priority, and we're here to remind you that taking care of yourself is not a luxury – IT'S A NECESSITY.

Join our community of fierce, fabulous, success driven women who are embracing self-care like never before. Let's navigate this crazy journey together and celebrate each step towards a calmer, happier you. 🌈

Take the first step towards tranquility today. Your oasis of calm awaits – because you deserve every bit of it. 🌺

Click below to join the Reconnect To Yourself Retreat. Your rejuvenated self will thank you later! 🌟

Remember, gorgeous soul, you are worthy of a life filled with serenity and joy. 🌹 Embrace the calm.

With love and support,

Jenny & Crona x

What Letting Go Gives You

  • Start a Journaling practice / Clear thoughts, self-reflection/awareness, clarity on what you value and why

  • Take time to be still and breathe

  • Develop destress habits to improve health and relationships, replace unhealthy and draining habits with healthy and fulfilling habits

  • Deepen your meditation practice and sense of inner peace

  • Learn how listen to and honor your bodies messages

  • Schedule time for yourself and stop self-neglect

  • Redesign your lifestyle with more fulfilling and self-supportive practices

  • Connecting with Inner Child-Releasing of Emotions in a Creative Way

  • Meditation induces relaxation brain waves such as alpha and theta which also puts you in a state to tap into your creative center of the brain

  • When you participate in a new creative activity your brain creates new connections and neural pathways

  • Meditation helps regulate emotions and manage stress

The Retreat Space

The Lodge At Lakeshore

The Facilitators

Jenny Natyshak

Jenny Natyshak is a heart-centered leader who helps high achieving & successful women who have lost themselves living the life they “should'' to break free from burnout and stress, prioritize their self-love, discover their heart-centered purpose, and create an extraordinary life. 

Jenny is certified trauma-informed breathwork facilitator and the owner of the Lodge at Lakeshore Retreat Venue where she fulfilled her dream to create a safe space designed for people to heal, learn, grow and realize their full potential.

Jenny's Story

"After 24 years of service as General Manager and part owner in a very successful automotive dealership, I made the decision to retire. Although it wasn’t an easy decision, my dream of opening a retreat venue where the community could gather, connect with themselves and connect with like minded people was not going away.

It was also a difficult decision to leave at the top of my game after putting in so many years of hard work, but this burning desire and dream to establish a wellness retreat venue where people can heal, learn, grow, and realize their full potential was not going away.

I followed my dream and now I am the owner of The Lodge at Lakeshore, a beautiful breathtaking 6000 square foot log cabin, and trained to become a Trauma Informed Breathwork facilitator, coach, and heart-centered retreat leader." - Jenny

Crona Airgid

Crona Airgid completed her undergraduate degree – Hons. B.A. in Sociology; Minor in Psychology from the

University of Western Ontario

in London Ontario (1996) and a 2 year Master of Social Work degree from

Wayne State University

(2000), in Detroit, Michigan U.S.A. Crona has over 18 years counselling experience and has provided individual, and group counselling with children, teens, and adults. Crona also provides couples counselling.

Crona enjoys facilitating a variety of groups on a regular basis (currently in the Chatham area). Groups include: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Group, Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Group, Caregiver Support Group, Parenting the Adolescent Group, and a Meditation Group. Other group services in the past have included; Anger Management for children, and Separation and Divorce Group for adults.

Crona has many years of providing phone counselling, including answering a 24 hour crisis line for teens and parents. Crona has been featured in various print publications. In addition to the many groups Crona has experience facilitating on a regular basis, she recently developed a Cancer Support Group (in Oct 2018) which is available in the Chatham-Kent region.


Jill M.

"The Lodge at Lakeshore is a truly magical place. It is the perfect place to connect with others and more importantly yourself. It’s cosy, calm and peaceful environment along with the amazing food allowed me to relax and focus on the purpose of my stay. The positive vibes I felt there are still in my heart. I can’t wait to go back!!"

Susanne M.

"I strongly, recommend anyone looking to ‘find themselves’ in a beautiful setting should check out The Lodge and all of the amazing offerings for self-care and restoration. The retreat I participated in at the lodge was transformative. By gifting myself time for reflection and self-care through meditation, yoga, and informative workshops, I left empowered to re-join my life. I will return."

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can benefit from a healing retreat?

Healing retreats are beneficial for individuals seeking stress relief, emotional healing, personal growth, relaxation, and a break from their daily routine. They are suitable for people of all ages and backgrounds.

What can I expect during a healing retreat?

Participants can expect a combination of activities such as yoga, meditation, workshops, therapeutic sessions, healthy meals, and time for relaxation. Retreats often encourage disconnecting from digital devices to enhance the experience.

Will I have personal time during the retreat?

Many healing retreats offer a balance between group activities and personal time. This allows participants to engage in self-reflection, journaling, or simply relaxing.

Are healing retreats only for individuals facing specific challenges?

Healing retreats are open to everyone, regardless of whether they are dealing with challenges. They offer an opportunity for personal growth, relaxation, and well-being enhancement.

Can I attend a healing retreat alone?

Absolutely. Many participants attend healing retreats individually. It can be a chance to step out of your comfort zone, meet new people, and focus on your own well-being.

Post Address and Mail

Email: jenny@thelodgeatlakeshore


1258 Essex County Rd 22

Emeryville, ON N0R 1A0

Get In Touch

Phone Number:


1258 Essex County Rd 22, Emeryville, ON N0R 1A0, Canada

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